Catching up

Dear Journal,

Well this feels more like a confession than a journal entry. It looks like it has been almost 4 months since I have made an entry. Ouch. I guess that is an epic fail.

Well, I did get some things done though.

Book update, well I have the book written, edited and my brother Ken Maynard has about got the jacket done so it should be ready to go to print this next week. I will have the website up for it soon. You can find Ken at The Mayn Idea 

I also have a website for my coaching now at

The new coaching gig has been very rewarding and challenging. Sewing faith in others, motivating them and helping to keep them in the present and process focused is a difficult task but it brings with it great rewards seeing people grow and excel.

On the SAVERS:

Today I did SERS,

I am going to ask a coaching client that had a great affirmation to see if he would share it with me to help me with mine.

I am grateful for my wife and kids. We had a wonderful Memorial day weekend catching up on a few things at the house and playing in the pool. Our neighbors Matt and Aha had some family visiting who had recently adopted a little boy and girl and they have had a blast with our two kids this week. We all went to the Corner Pub (the kids call it the burger store) last night for $5 burger last night and then on to dance where our daughter is getting ready for her recital coming up the first week in June. She was so cute in her outfits!

I am grateful for our neighbors, the house were we live, a wonderful church for us and our kids and a great family where I kids go to day care. They play Christian music on the radio for them during nap time so they know all of the words to the current Christian songs on the radio. We were all singing along to Zach William’s Fear He is a Liar on the way to the burger store last night. It was a blessing.

Not much else to write now, I need to get some golf and fishing in sometime soon. I have only played once this year. Brother Ken said he has a boat that we can keep for awhile. I think I will take him up on that if I get the chance and get the kids out fishing again. Aubrey caught her first 2 little bream last year and she was thrilled so we need to get Aiden a couple too.

We are looking at buying an RV for all of our trips this year. We are not big into spending money on things like that but we are hoping on finding a good enough deal where we can use it a year to see if we like it and if not sell it and not be out any for the purchase price. I know we will end up spending quite a bit on travel in it but it sure would be convenient for our trips to TX and FL.

It’s 6:45 time to go start breakfast for everyone. I hope you all make it a great day and remember… It’s not about the destination, It’s all about the Ride

She Said it ain’t about an exit past
A dot on the map no, that ain’t where we’re goin’
It ain’t about the road we’re on
How far we’ve gone as long as we keep rollin’
It’s not about the path we take
Or the end of the line
It’s not about us getting somewhere
As fast as we can drive
She said Baby
It’s all about the ride

Mark McGuinn

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